Friday, September 23, 2011

my posters

these are them.


  1. 1st Design: The way Aloha High School Presents... aligns with Christmas Carol leaves a very nice empty space in the top right corner. Very visually appealing. Start and end with green. Creates a nice sense of framing. Try changing the location, size and font choice for the gray text. Unify the sans serif and the serif fonts.

    2nd Design: I like the solid black background. Makes it more simple and easier to read. Left text alignment on the bottom is clean. Nice addition of the green on top text, balances the line. Improvements: Smaller, sans serif font on the very bottom. Make that bottom text green. Change to a sans serif font on the top. The very top and the very bottom are the only two spots you use serifs. Nice empty space.

    3rd Design: The Christmas Carol on the bottom creates a simple and very clean base. The top text is balanced. Loose the gradient. Do you have the "in special..." (the gray lines in the previous designs)

  2. Sweet work! You seem to like the pants and boots as a text outline for HUMBUG. Humbug is such a smart word to pick. I'n drawn to a top hat or a wreath with the word Humbug in it. Play the opposite. Happy positive image with Humbug in it. Your space and font use are fun and exciting, but Mrs. Ottum has some good comments there. Very cool!

  3. The three posters seem a little same-y. That's not bad, just a bit boring. I admit that I am looking at these from a subjective standpoint, but I'm really not leaning toward any of the designs. I would try the coloring on the third with the layout of the first. Love the typography on the foot, but Foren's idea is something you should play around with.

    There's a lot of empty space that leaves me with the feeling that the poster is unfinished. Maybe that's just me.

  4. All of them have good typography, I like the Humbug idea because you also have the title for the play which doesn't mislead the audience thinking it is the title.

    I like your first poster the most because it looks the most organized. The only problem with your poster is that the little text you have under the poster collides with the "Humbug" and makes it feel like a big cluster on that corner.

  5. For all of them, I love the extreme attention to detail. The way the boot is shaped down to every last curve and line. The pants are nicely folded and creased as well. This gives it a very nice realistic feel.

    A few things with the text overall: You have a very solid sans-serif title that doesn't flow well with sometimes transparent serif text. Play around a bit with capitalization (all caps or no capitalization can be fun if not overused) and texts. I think a more curvy font would better compliment the title and help it stand out.

    1st: Specifically, the location and color choice for the first one are a bit iffy in some areas. There is nice empty space, but the gray text overrides the "Humbug" and detracts from the design. Instead of spanning it the whole screen, try replicating the left alignment of the rest of the information on the bottom and have it only get close to touching the "leg" of the Humbug. The text also seems to be floating a little bit near the bottom because the foot goes lower than the text.

    2nd: Again, the left justification throws off the text on the bottom and the text up top looks a bit awkward. The overall dark scheme of colors works well together, particularly the dark green with the dark red. However, due to this, the gray may seem a little bit forlorn.

    3rd: The background gradient sort of throws off the focal point, as my eyes just wander everywhere. The loss of the gray text does wonders, it's all about the hues of the text now and having them match up.

    Glad you got it down to 3! :D
