Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Building my Sand Castle..

Late into the night as all things settle minus my brain I tried to make sense of the way I felt. It's rather simple really, life is like building a sand castle at the beach. you can cheat and use the little molds that someone else gave you and make it easy. You can choose to make things easy and build it up in the dry sand and tote water back and forth. You could choose to let the ocean swallow you away and give up. However I'm one who takes the challenge and builds my Sand Castle within reach of the destructive waves. The ocean comes in ebbs and flows, crashing upon the castle I try to build. There is no time for me to rest. Sometimes I build great walls and pillars before the tide sweeps away bits of my progress but leaving a standing mound which defines the retention of my work. Then there are the times I fall short, the times I do not build more than is taken away by the watery grasp of the waves. I'm left with less than I had before the trial. These are the times that I feel the ocean tearing at my being trying to pull me in like it has others. These are also the times I feel motivated to gain back the lost ground the best I can. The ocean is constant, thus must my work be also. This is my life. This is me Building my Sand Castle.

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